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Marlin for Addison

Marlin Willesen


  • Growth: Premium development in all forms will cause Addison to thrive.


Office Space: Most of Fourteen5 has been completed and leased. As the last remaining commercial land gets fully developed and occupied along the Dallas North Tollway, we will see the next set of major commercial development occur around the future Addison rail station.


Hospitality: Hotels in Addison are great and will get better. The more competitive properties will cause the few that are underperforming out of business, making way for re-development of prime real estate into competitive businesses that are equipped to thrive.


Retail: Addison will have three amazing retail/entertainment gathering areas. Village on the Parkway will   continue to shine with added development like Loro Asian Smokehouse, making it an even greater hot spot than it already is today. Vitruvian Park will not slow down with its eye-popping mammoth scale and elegance.  Addison Circle will soon be a huge economic driver and return as the central point of the Town with the Transit Oriented Development now taking shape. This will solidify the “The Circle” as a major destination spot along the Silver Line. In a short period of time, we will have three impressive retail/entertainment hot spots that will form a triangle with much of Addison in the middle. 


Airport: Addison Airport, (ADS) has gained a new Fixed Based Operator, (FBO) called Galaxy FBO. This new addition to ADS will spur even more economic growth in the form of lease revenue, fuel sales, ad valorem and sales tax. This new FBO will provide more options for air travel into ADS which will produce more operations, more in fuel sales, more maintenance, etc. Our airport has an occupancy rate of 99% and we need to activate more airport use from the land on the west side of the field. If we want continued growth at ADS it's critical that we extend Taxiway Bravo to stimulate this development. This taxiway will run north and south along the west side of the runway. Once completed it will pave the way for more off airport and on airport property related growth on much of the west side of the airport. I will continue to be a strong advocate when it comes to making the tough expenditure decisions to expand Taxiway Bravo so that we can activate the next stage of major development at our airport.


Public Transportation: The DART Cotton Belt Corridor is coming. Actually, half of it is already in place as the Fort Worth Transportation Authority has completed the TEX Rail line. The Silver Line projected for service in the Summer of 2026 will offer more access to our Addison Transit Center, Addison Conference & Theatre Centre, Addison Circle Park, and the new development that will be built around Addison Circle Park.


Inwood Road Redevelopment: The redevelopment of Inwood Road has many challenges such as many parcels with various property owners, residential constraints due to the proximity of the airport noise contours. The largest property owner is Tuesday Morning. When the Tuesday Morning property changes ownership and gets redeveloped, I believe there will be a great opportunity for the Town of Addison to join forces with our friends at the City of Farmers Branch. We need to work together to spur development and one way to do so is creating a new street west of Inwood Road. I envision this street to connect with Beltwood Parkway in Farmers Branch and I believe the new street would spur economic growth along the Inwood Road corridor and free up some traffic from Spring Valley Road and Belt Line Road. 


Residential: The future Addison Grove Redevelopment will provide a much-needed boost to many of the retailers on and around Belt Line Road. Also, don't be surprised if in the future the Town offers Addison residents a Demo/Rebuild Residential Incentive Program. Farmers Branch offers a program that grants residents and builders upfront cash and a 5-year tax rebate to demolish an old home and build a new home. I think what Farmers Branch is doing in this regard should be a model for Addison residential economic development going forward.  



  • Strategic Planning = Vision: Residents have been asking me what I'm going to do to better Addison. While this is somewhat of a fair question, the real question is what we as the leaders of Addison are going to do to better our Town. I'm a huge advocate of our current Special Projects Committees and will continue to advocate that we continue utilizing members of the community for future special projects. Working together we will leverage the brain power of the community to isolate the priorities and recommended processes to propel Addison to even greater heights for both now and well into the future. Below are just a few priorities that I would like to see solved by future Special Project Committees. â€‹

    • Town of Addison Comprehensive Plan: Our current Comprehensive Plan was created in 2013. This is one of our key master plans which helps guide staff and our elected officials when making land use development and re-development decisions. The past plan served us well but I believe it's time to form a committee made up of fourteen (14) residents working together with staff and a consultant to create a new and updated plan. My hope is that this work will kick-off in the summer of 2023. 

    • Addison Area Schools: We have an unmatched array of premier private school choices all within a 15-minute drive, but we are not marketing this fact to parents as well as we should. This will change. We will also solve the puzzle as to how parents can easily navigate the complexity of all of the public-school choices that are available. The public-school choices are not as obvious as one would think. An Education Committee will guide us creating an easy to navigate Addison Area Schools app and or web page with mapping to help Addison parents navigate the education options available to meet the needs of their child. Once completed, Addison will shore up what I believe is our most glaring weakness. The result will be a giant ripple effect that will cause our single-family homes to be more in demand and our apartments to be more desirable. 

    • Marketing: Our Town of Addison website is well executed, but in the future, we have opportunities to enrich the content to create further value for residents and businesses. Our Parks & Recreation Department, working in harmony with Mary Rosenbleeth, Director of Marketing, will create enhanced web pages and a Visit Addison, TX app that will help all quickly learn and navigate through our extensive offering of parks, trails, art, monuments and many other points of interest in Addison.  Here is a great example of what can be built:  


Marlin Willesen | 4100 Juliard Drive | Addison, TX 75001 | | 972.233.4222 |

© 2017 by Marlin Willesen

Political advertisement paid for by Marlin Willesen for Addison City Council campaign | Liesl Mayerson, Treasurer  

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